1. Where is the Tourist Information Office and when is it open?

The Tourist Information Office is located inside a fishery, at the Lake of Banyoles. (location)

Its contact details are: 
Banyoles Tourist Information Office 
Passeig Darder - Fishery no. 10 
17820 Banyoles 
Tel.: (0034) 972 583 470 
Whatsapp (0034) 690 853 395 
E-mail turisme@ajbanyoles.org


Its opening hours are: 

  • Low season: 10am to 3pm.
  • Holy week: 10am to 7pm (Easter Monday: from 10am to 3pm). 
  • High season: (from June 22 to July 31) from 10am to 7:30pm; (from August 1 to September 11): from 10am to 8pm.

Days when it is closed: 25 and 26 December, 1 and 6 January.

2. Can I download the maps and the tourist material?

Yes. You will find maps, routes and guides in the Publications section.

You can access the Publications section here.

3. I have reduced mobility. Can I visit Banyoles?

Yes. Banyoles Town Council is working continuously to make the town as accessible as possible for everyone.
Several points with ramps have been provided on the promenade beside the Lake to facilitate access for people with reduced mobility.
You will also find pedestrian only areas which enable you to go to the town centre and tour the Old Quarter without architectural barriers.
We have material and routes supported by QR codes to make this information more accessible and inclusive. 

4. Can I bathe in the Lake?

Yes. During the summer season (from June to mid-September), there are 3 authorised bathing areas in the Lake: the Caseta de Fusta (free), the Old Baths (bar with bathing area), and the Club Natació Banyoles. 
It is prohibited to bathe in any other part of the Lake and you can be fined. 

You’ll find more information about the bathing areas here.

5. Can I bring my kayak to the Lake?

No. The Lake’s ecosystem is very fragile and vulnerable to the introduction of invasive species and pests. Consequently, it is not allowed to put any kayak or other type of private vessel or material in the Lake. 
Vessels must be disinfected and access by vessels is only allowed through the facilities of the Club Natació Banyoles. 

You can rent kayaks at Club Natació Banyoles (tel. (0034) 972 57 08 59)

6. Can I practise Paddle Surf on the Lake?

No.  Paddle surf is not included in the Regulation of Activities on the Lake. 

You can read the Regulation of Activities on the Lake here.(in catalan)

7. Can I fish in the Lake?

Yes. You can practise sport fishing (catch and release) on the Lake.
If you want to fish, you must have the fishing license issued by the Government of Catalonia and the permit corresponding to a Controlled Fishing Area, also issued by the Government of Catalonia (typology: Cyprinids / basin: Ter / Lake of Banyoles).

More information and issue of fishing licences and permits at  web.gencat.cat

8. I am a member of a sports federation. Can I come and train at the Lake?

Yes.The Lake of Banyoles has a 500-metre swimming lane so that triathletes and federated sports people can train throughout the year. 

Access is via the Club Natació Banyoles, after paying a special entrance fee for using its facilities.

More information at Club Natació Banyoles,  tel. (0034) 972 57 08 59 or secretaria@cnbanyoles.cat

9. Is there a place authorised for campers and motorhomes?

No. There is a Municipal Ordinance of Good Citizenship that prohibits overnight parking anywhere in Banyoles.

However, there are several campsites in the region: Càmping el Llac (Porqueres), Càmping Esponellà (Esponellà) and Càmping La Vall de Campmajor (Sant Miquel de Campmajor).

10. Is free camping or bivouacking allowed in the Lake area?

No. The Lake of Banyoles is a protected natural area and it is not allowed to sleep outdoors anywhere in the Lake environment.
However, if you want to camp, there are several campsites in the region: Càmping el Llac (Porqueres), Càmping Esponellà (Esponellà) and Càmping La Vall de Campmajor (Sant Miquel de Campmajor).

11. Can I picnic at the Lake?

Yes. There is a specifically prepared picnic area at La Draga Park, with stone tables and seats. (location)

There is also a module with toilets, running water and a small bar. Fires are not allowed. 
Please leave the facilities clean and litter-free and respect the natural environment. 
Picnics are not allowed anywhere else. 

12. I’m coming to Banyoles with a children’s pushchair. Can I do the Circuit of the Lake?

Yes. The route provided for walking round the Lake is accessible for children’s pushchairs.
The other itineraries in the area (Puda and Les Estunes, and Can Morgat and Puig Clarà) are not 100% accessible. In these cases, you are recommended to use a baby carrier.

See the itinerary of the Circuit of the Lake here.

See other routes here.

13. Can I do the Circuit of the Lake on bike?

Yes.   There is a cycle lane that does the complete circuit of the Lake. On the east side of the Lake, the cycle lane is tarmacked and runs parallel to the walking path; on the west side, the cyclists and pedestrians share the same gravel path. 
Also, around Banyoles there are other options such as MTB routes and greenways that connect municipalities in the region.

See the information about the Circuit of the Lake here.

See other cycling routes here.

14. Can I walk my dog at the Lake?

Yes. The itinerary around the Lake is an open, free-access space. 
There are rules of good citizenship and consideration for others that must be respected: 

  • dogs must be on a leash; 
  • excrements must be collected in a bag; 
  • in the case of dogs belonging to dangerous breeds, they must be on a fixed-length leash and wear a muzzle. 

Remember that dogs are not allowed to bathe in the Lake.

15. Can I feed the ducks and other animals on the Lake?

No. It is not permitted to feed wild animals on the Lake.

16. Are there public toilets in Banyoles?

Yes.  There are public toilets both in the historic centre and at the Lake. 
In the town centre, there is a module with public toilets at the Plaça de les Monges. (location)
At the Lake, there are public toilets in different points. Here’s the list: Tourist Information Office (location), picnic area at La Draga Park (location) and the bathing area at the Caseta de Fusta (location).

17. Are there wi-fi hotspots in Banyoles?

Yes. You will find several public places with open free wi-fi in Banyoles. 
Here’s the list: 

  • Plaça Major 
  • Pla de l’Estany Public Library 

These wi-fi areas are operational from 8 am to 8 pm.

App Banyoles
