The homes of Banyoles culture

If a town is to have a rich live art offering, it needs content and venues. In Banyoles, there is no shortage of permanent and ephemeral venues, in theatres and on the streets.

Cultural amenities such as the Municipal Theatre, the Ateneu, the Performing Arts Factory, the Library, the Music School or the Theatre School are complemented with the temporary stages set up by festivals and local organisations in different streets and premises in Banyoles, such as (a)phònica, FEM Jazz or Troba’m.

Not to mention the fairs and annual festivities, which also offer opportunities for showcasing Banyoles’ artistic talent.

There’s no culture without talent

If the previous section was about venues, this section will be about content.

It’s not just water that gushes from Banyoles but also a genuine artistic talent that blends impishness, eccentricity and a peripheral vision of the world. A long list of contemporary creators that we won’t start because it will always be too short, but which includes acknowledged playwrights, actors, film-makers, jewellers, photographers, musicians and writers, among many other professionals. 

It’s not just water that gushes from Banyoles but also a genuine artistic talent.
App Banyoles
