Proposals by days
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2 days

Approach the nature and heritage of Banyoles calmly

If you have two days to visit and discover Banyoles, you will be able to go much deeper and get to know this small city first-hand. With calmness and tranquility, but without leaving out anything.

  • 10 hours approx

Day 1

Banyoles has a unique natural and landscape environment.

In order to fully enjoy it, we suggest that you go to Puig de Sant Martirià, a small mount that can be accessed by foot or by car. On its top, crowned by centuries-old olive trees, there are remains of an old convent (16th-19th century) and a sculpture of the patron saint of Banyoles, Sant Martirià.

From this point they have immeasurable panoramic views of the lake basin, the city of Banyoles and the mountains, among which the Canigó stands out in the west and Rocacorba to the south.

Going down the Puig de Sant Martirià, you will find the Parc de la Draga, a large garden area built for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, of which Banyoles was the sub-Olympic venue in the rowing modality.

Within the same park, in the eastern area of l'Estany, remains of an ancient settlement of farmers and harvesters from the Neolithic era were discovered, one of the first Neolithic lakeside settlements in Europe (5400-4900 BC). As a result of this discovery, it is now possible to visit the La Draga Neolithic Park, which recreates some cabins built as they were at the time, thanks to studies of the materials that have been recovered, and which allow us to delve into what the life of these first settlers in Banyoles was. We advise you not to miss the guided tour organized periodically by Museus de Banyoles.

Another visit that we recommend you do on the first day of your stay in Banyoles is to get closer and enter the historic center.

Within the historic center of the city you will find vestiges of medieval times such as the Plaça Major (13th century), the medieval city wall (13th century), the Llotja del Tint (15th century), among others. Likewise, you will walk through streets and squares, you will be able to buy in the traditional shops or you will even discover fossils hidden among the travertine rock.

A peculiarity that you will discover in the center of Banyoles is its channels. These small water channels were built to get the water from l'Estany to the center and thus take

advantage of it for domestic, agricultural and industrial use. Don't miss the Rec Major tour to learn about all the uses, peculiarities and history of this particular channel.

A unique way to end the first day in Banyoles is to watch the sun go down from l'Estany. Whether on foot or by bike, or quietly from a terrace having a drink, this will be an unforgettable and unique experience to end this first day of your stay.


  • 10 hours approx.

Day 2

For this second day of visiting Banyoles, we recommend the route of the la Puda wetlands and les Estunes. It is an itinerary to be done by foot, quietly and to enjoy with your five senses.

Along this simple route you will see stork nests, ponds, travertine rock slabs and the remains of an old spa, among many other things.

If you visit us in summer, you cannot leave Banyoles without swimming in l'Estany! You can do it in the designated swimming areas that you will find. You will live a unique and refreshing experience.

Another experience that we recommend is taking a guided kayak tour through the waters of l'Estany. With this activity you will discover a different way of getting to know the lake area from within; its formation, the fauna, the flora, the sports that are practiced, its legends that surround it...

*remember that it is not allowed to use private boats or other vessels to l'Estany

With these proposals we want your visit to Banyoles to be much more than a visit, we want it to be a unique life experience!

Additional information

To receive more information and personalized attention, we recommend you visit us at the Tourist Office on Darder street, pesquera no. 10 from Banyoles. Check our schedule here.

Stay for lunch or dinner in Banyoles! There are many restaurant options to choose from! Check out our restaurant guide here.

Extend your stay by staying one night in one of the accommodations that you will find in Banyoles. Check the different accommodations here.

App Banyoles
