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The pesqueres of l'Estany


From fishing to leisure and the enjoyment of the bourgeoisie.     

The Estany de Banyoles pesqueres or fishing huts are small constructions built on the east bank of the Estany, on the side of the city. Its construction began in the middle of the 19th century and lasted until 1931.

At first, they had a purely practical function and were used for fishing. Later, in the 80s, when the Lake began to be visited to admire the beauty of the landscape and practice recreational and sports activities, the fisheries evolved by increasing the surface area in order to store one or two boats, bathing and even staying there. The different dimensions and architectural forms became a sign of wealth and social class of the Banyolina bourgeoisie.

Over the years, they have been reformed and conditioned, following different styles; or changing ownership, a fact related, in large part, to a matter of social prestige. They are currently a communal asset, owned by the municipality, understood as an administrative concession by the City Council with rights of private use to the last owners. Since 1991, only its rehabilitation is allowed.

The pesqueres, in addition to being part of the Estany landscape, are unique elements of Banyoles's architectural heritage and, together with the Estany promenades, have been declared by the Generalitat de Catalunya as a Cultural Asset of National Interest (BCIN ) in the Historic Garden category.


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Banyoles, City of Water
Extraordinary Call 2022
Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan - Funded by the European Union -NextGenerationEU

  • Time required to complete the route: 45 minutes
  • 2.0 km
  • Medium
App Banyoles
