The Darder Museum is one of the oldest in the province of Girona. It was opened in 1916 to house the natural history collections donated to the town by the Barcelona-born veterinarian Francesc Darder i Llimona. It remained virtually unchanged until its complete refurbishment began in 2003.
For many years, it was highly considered in Banyoles as a place of great cultural interest, with collections that were rarely seen elsewhere, especially the anthropology exhibits. The accumulation of exotic animals in its three rooms, which were subsequently expanded to five, made the museum attractive place to visit, both for schools and the scientific community.
In 2007, it opened its doors again. In addition to the natural history collections, there was now a new part given over to explaining the basin of the Lake of Banyoles as a hydrogeological phenomenon, successfully culminating an initiative that had been attempted many years earlier.
At present, the museum houses the Darder Space on the ground floor, with a natural history collection that recreates the vision held of natural sciences in the 19th and 20th centuries; and, on the first floor, the Lake Interpretation Space, dedicated to explaining how the lake area was formed.
For more information, opening times and prices, visit
Museu Darder
Plaça dels Estudis, 2
17820 Banyoles
Tel. (0034) 972 574 467
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