Through the Tourism Department, together with the Escola de Natura, activities and guided tours are organized to discover the Estany (lake) and its natural environment. We detail some of them below:
Activities for families with children (with guidance from Escola de Natura de Banyoles):
- Gimcana dels rentadors (Whashig places' gymkhana)
- Entre la pedra i l'aigua (Between stone and water)
- La llegenda del drac de Banyoles (The legend of the dragon of Banyoles)
- La llegenda d'en Morgat (The legend of Morgat)
- Itinerari llegendari (Legendary route)
The Escola de Natura de Banyoles is an organisation specialised in environmental education, awareness-raising and communication about the Lake and its protected natural environment. They offer an extensive educational programme and visits by appointment for groups, schools and individuals.
Contact details:
Escola de Natura
Passeig de la Draga, 5 (Location)
17820 Banyoles
Tel.: (0034) 972 58 13 16