The Roman and Visigothic Villa of Vilauba (Camós) is located in a small valley about 3 kilometres from the Lake of Banyoles, in the direction of the Santuari de Rocacorba.
It was discovered in 1932 but systematic excavations did not begin until 1978, and are still continuing today. These excavations are being carried out by the Archaeological Research Group of the Pla de l’Estany and are coordinated from the Archaeological Museum of Banyoles. They enable us to study the structure of Roman villas during the Early Empire (1st-3rd centuries AD), Late Empire (4th-5th centuries AD) and the Visigothic period (6th-7th centuries AD), when the villa became a vicus or early medieval village.
As a result of this research, it is one of the best-studied villas in Catalonia and an essential reference for our knowledge of the Roman and Visigothic rural world.
Both the pars urbana (residential area) and the pars rustica (work area) of the villa have been preserved. The residential part includes the house’s chapel with the lararium or altar, the pantry, the triclinium or dining-room and the recently discovered baths. The Late Empire (4th-5th centuries AD) are also preserved, together with the remains of the Visigothic settlement, composed of three houses with their respective courtyards.
The objects retrieved from the site include three bronze figures from the lararium, numerous coins, pottery vessels, tools made of bone, bronze and iron, human remains, and carbonised animal and plant remains.
The place name “Vil·la Alba”, which refers to a nearby farmhouse and from which the site takes its name, suggests a possible continuity from the Middle Ages and also bears witness to the extensive Romanisation of this territory.
The site is restored and can be visited, with a guided tour that explains rural life in Roman times that will appeal to school parties and the general public alike. The route is signposted with information panels. If specifically requested, there is also the possibility of organising an interactive 3D visit in which visitors can travel back in time and see first-hand the baths, pantry, lararium, latrines and triclinium of Vilauba.
If you would like to visit the villa, click here
For more information,
Museu Arqueològic
Plaça de la Font, 11
17820 Banyoles
Tel. 0034 972 57 23 61
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